The light of daytime comes from our closest star: the Sun. Learn more about it!
Color Your Universe: Find the Hidden Objects
Can you find all the NASA and space-themed hidden objects?
Learn about what makes our Sun a very busy place!
Learn more about these exploding stars!
Learn more about what happens when the moon passes between Earth and the sun!
How Is the Sun Completely Blocked in an Eclipse?
It all has to do with the distance between Earth and the sun and Earth and the moon.
Learn more about this weather pattern!
Make Handprint Art Using Ultraviolet Light!
We can't see the sun's ultraviolet light with our eyes, but with this simple activity we can observe the effects of UV light.
How Does Our Sun Compare With Other Stars?
The Sun is actually a pretty average star!
These sunspots taste delicious
Share these with your friends and family!
Make your own colorful aurora!
Play Helios: A Game About How the Sun Makes Energy!
Where does the Sun's energy come from? Play Helios to find out!
What causes this beautiful light show?
Paint pumpkins with space and Earth science designs
Sunburns are no fun.
Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses
What’s the difference?
Have some fun with the sun!
And how long will it shine?
Where Does Interstellar Space Begin?
Interstellar space begins where the sun’s magnetic field stops affecting its surroundings.
Where Does the Sun's Energy Come From?
Space Place in a Snap answers this important question!
Why is the sun's atmosphere so much hotter than its surface?
Write your own zany adventure story!
Write your own zany adventure story!
The Sun’s activity follows an 11-year cycle. Learn more about it!
Bad (space) weather cancels pigeon races!
Why do pigeons care about what the Sun is doing?
The answer may surprise you.
Get up close and personal with our own star.
Find out why stars aren't all the same color.
This type of weather comes from activity on the Sun’s surface.
How can one gas in the air be both good and bad?
Top 10 facts about the Sun??? and lots more. This link takes you away from NASA Space Place.