The planet with living things
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The answer may surprise you.
A satellite is anything that orbits a planet or a star.
Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses
What’s the difference?
Antarctica is a continent. Antarctica covers Earth's South Pole.
Why Does the Moon Have Craters?
It's not because the Moon gets hit by meteors more often...
How Is the Sun Completely Blocked in an Eclipse?
It all has to do with the distance between Earth and the sun and Earth and the moon.
How Long is a Year on Other Planets?
You probably know that a year is 365 days here on Earth. But did you know that on Mercury you’d have a birthday every 88 days? Read this article to find out how long it takes all the planets in our solar system to make a trip around the Sun.
Make a Fan with Earth's Layers
Cool yourself with Earth’s hot interior
Could they have brought the water to our planet?