Asteroid or Meteor: What's the Difference?
Learn more about asteroids, meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, and comets!
And what can we learn from these space rocks in our solar system?
Play Bingo While Watching the Psyche Spacecraft Launch!
During the launch broadcast, you can mark off the words that you hear!
Check out these nine unearthly nightmares that could be happening right now in our own galaxy. Eek!
Make a Balloon-powered Nanorover!
A fun project to do with the family.
Learn about impact craters!
Why Does the Moon Have Craters?
It's not because the Moon gets hit by meteors more often...
Find definitions of space and Earth science terms
Make yummy potatoes look like asteroids.
PDFs of Space Place activities
Print-ready, downloadable PDFs of fun hands-on activities.
The red planet
Printable posters, lithographs, postcards, and bookmarks.