LandSat "Earth as Art" images

Florida Keys, USA

This false-color image of a few of the northeastern Florida Keys was taken in infrared light. This kind of light shows the temperature differences of the features. In this image, bright red shows areas of vegetation; shades of blue show water; blue-greens show shallow water; bright white shows cloud; and tan-orange shows areas with buildings, roads, and parking lots.

This image was taken on 5/11/1999.

Lake Tahoe, California & Nevada, USA

Lake Tahoe is the main feature in this natural-color image. Water is blue, vegetation is green, and city areas are white. Carson City, Nevada, shows in the upper right of this image, and the green circles of large pivot irrigation fields can be seen south of the city.

This image was taken on 6/19/2001<.

Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA

This is a natural-color image of Mount St. Helens twenty years after this huge volcanic mountain exploded, blowing its top off. Vegetation is green, water is dark blue, land with no vegetation is light tan, and Mount St. Helens' snow and ash-covered summit is a bright white.

This image was taken on 9/25/2000.