I see ice in the Oort Cloud

3-D diagram of solar system, with planetary region in the center and Oort cloud a surrounding shell extending to 1,000,000 AU (distance from Sun to Earth).

The Oort Cloud surrounds our solar system like a shell. It is made of billions of icy bodies in orbit around the Sun. In this diagram, the orbits of the planets are shown in the center. Occasionally a passing star will disturb the orbit of one of the bodies and fling it into the inner part of the solar system. Then it becomes a "long-period comet." Most of the comets we see are "short-period comets" from the Kuiper Belt, a region of icy bodies orbiting beyond the orbit of Neptune.

3-D diagram shows Oort cloud surrounding relatively tiny solar system in the center.

The Oort Cloud is many times greater in extent than the planetary region of the solar system.

Diagram shows inner boundary of Oort Cloud with tiny solar system circled in red in the center.

The Oort Cloud's icy bodies surround the solar system. Orbits of all the planets in our solar system are within that very small area circled in red.